
Worship Centre
Bethania Lutheran Church, 3 Church Road, Bethania, Queensland
QR Code


13 Aug 2021


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Living Waters Art Exhibition

Here are the details for the Living Waters Art Exhibition.
What: An open art installment at the Bethania Lutheran Church that will go for (at least) 2 weeks.
Opening: Friday 13 August 2021 6-7pm
Where: Bethania Lutheran Church
More details: Tiffany Kneen tiffanykneen@gmail.com or visit the event on Facebook @Bethania.LC
Artwork Guidelines
Attached is the information pack with a suggested devotion and visual prompts to help inspire artists to create the theme living water.
Details to register:
Name, contact details
Artwork: Size, medium, title, statement
Price: If you are interested in selling your artwork, indicate a price on a separate piece of paper. This event will be fundraising for a cause. We ask you consider donating all or a portion of proceeds toward the cause.
Join in 3 steps!
1. Create – See the prompting document and create to the theme.
Create in any medium – paint, draw, collage, sew, sculpt!
2. Reflect – Write an ‘artist statement’ (50-100) words to display next to your piece for viewers to read and gain an insight into your purpose for the piece.
3. Display – Consider how you will display your piece and what may be required (frame? hooks? stand?). We will set up the exhibit the week before the opening.
Not sure where to start? Join us for an afternoon of art.
Sunday 18 July 2021 2-5pm
See Tiffany for location

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