There are so many opportunities to connect within and outside of the church family.Attend a bible study, join a small group, serve at church or attend fellowship events. The list can go on!

Hello my friend, I am Pastor Peter!
There is a very special, family-feel to Bethania Lutheran Church. Please come and try us out! We welcome everyone just the way you are and want you to be part of our church family. I have experienced this special feeling, I came from Finland and English as my third language. We’ve felt extremely loved and accepted in this community with my wife and we want to pass that same feeling to all our members and visitors. Our worship style is rather contemporary, without compromising respect to the tradition and holiness. We like to think the door is open to everyone as we gather together on Sundays at 9am for worship. We are young and old, Australian, Finnish, Chinese, Papua New Guinean, new and experienced, in all colours and sizes as we get together. There are also various other ways of joining our fellowship and you will find more information about it on these web pages and facebook. Just come along and see how you like it!
When planning the road ahead, we defined four cornerstones for our congregation. We want to be known as a community of Bible teaching, prayer, fellowship and worship. It was marvellous to see how it reminds us of what was seen in the early church. In the Bible, in Acts 2:42 it says, they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Well, we don’t have any apostles in our church, but we like to think of ourselves as Jesus’ disciples, learning together more about the grace of God.
In the words of the classic Lutheran summary of faith, we believe that we are saved by grace, for Christ’s sake, through faith. In other words, there is nothing we can do to earn God’s favour or to gain eternal life. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has won all this for us and we receive it as a gift. We would like to see you celebrating this gift with us. We also believe that only the Bible is the source of inspiration and teaching. May God bless you today as you read these lines and call you to fellowship with him!!